Crypto Goldrush

Crypto Goldrush

CryptoSanity & CptRandlelwa

Cryptocurrency may usher in the greatest wealth transfer in human history and we are still early, very early in the game. You are in a perfect position to meet your financial goals no matter what they may long as you don't get crushed in the process. This series goes in-depth into every aspect you need to succeed in building true wealth.

Categories: Technology

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This is the last introductory episode of Crypto Goldrush and ends our crash course into the history of cryptocurrency. Our first two episodes focused on the core differing perspectives in crypto. This week we talk about recent events which highlight just how fundamental these differences are, as well as how their areas of agreement have contributed to an environment ripe for fraud and exploitation.

As the industry grows, will crypto manage to rally behind a vision which integrates the different viewpoints or is conflict inevitable? And will it ever be something that breaks through to the mainstream?

We believe a different world is possible, but first we must acknowledge our own differences.

Podcast produced by the fantastic Nat Sherwood

Previous episodes

  • 3 - Through a glass darkly 
    Sat, 26 Feb 2022
  • 2 - E pluribus unum 
    Thu, 03 Feb 2022
  • 1 - I don't give a $#%! about crypto! 
    Sun, 23 Jan 2022
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